Discounts and Offers

Exciting Discounts & Offers Await You! 🚀

We’ve got irresistible deals to make your shopping experience even better! Check out our exclusive offers tailored to our mobile app users and those applicable to the app and website. Install our mobile app today to unlock these amazing benefits and enjoy seamless shopping!


Exclusive Mobile App-Only Offers

5% OFF + Free Delivery
Place your first-ever order through the app and enjoy 5% off. Plus, get free home delivery on orders above ₹2499 (With Coupon code - "Freeship"). (Applicable to first order only)

₹25 OFF
Save ₹25 on our mobile app for orders above ₹499. Plus, get free home delivery on orders above ₹2499. The coupon code is "GET-25". (One Time Offer)

₹50 OFF
Enjoy ₹50 off on orders above ₹999 placed through the app. Plus, get free home delivery on orders above ₹2499. The coupon code is "GET-50"

₹75 OFF
Get ₹75 off when you shop for ₹1499 or more via our mobile app. The coupon code is "GET-75"

₹100 OFF
Bag ₹100 off on orders above ₹1999, exclusively on the app! The coupon code is "GET-100"

Offers for Both App & Website

✅ Free Shipping on orders above ₹2499
Coupon code - 'Freeship'

₹100 OFF + Free Shipping
Shop for ₹4999 or more and enjoy ₹100 off and free home delivery. Applies automatically.

₹200 OFF + Free Shipping
Save ₹200 and get free home delivery on orders above ₹9999. Applies automatically.

Why Use the Mobile App?

🛒 Exclusive Discounts: Bigger savings with app-only offers!
🚚 Convenience: Easy ordering and tracking at your fingertips.
🎉 First to Know: Get early access to deals and promotions.

💡 Tip: Don’t miss out on the 5% first-time discount when you order through the app. It becomes even a SUPER DISCOUNT when you get free home delivery also on orders valued above ₹2499 with this discount. It’s a limited-time opportunity to save more!

👉 Install the App Now and start shopping smartly!