
Top 5 superfoods to stay cool in the heat

Top 5 Superfoods to Beat the Heat in Indian Summer

As the temperature rises during the summer months, it's important to pay attention to what you eat to help your body stay cool and hydrated. One way to do this...

Top 5 Superfoods to Beat the Heat in Indian Summer

As the temperature rises during the summer months, it's important to pay attention to what you eat to help your body stay cool and hydrated. One way to do this...

Mastering Your Pitta Dosha: A Guide to Cooling Foods

Mastering Your Pitta Dosha: A Guide to Cooling ...

In Ayurveda, the fiery Pitta Dosha plays a vital role. It’s the cosmic chef in your body, managing digestion, energy, and clarity. But beware – summer intensifies pitta! Combat it...

Mastering Your Pitta Dosha: A Guide to Cooling ...

In Ayurveda, the fiery Pitta Dosha plays a vital role. It’s the cosmic chef in your body, managing digestion, energy, and clarity. But beware – summer intensifies pitta! Combat it...

ayurvedic tips for summer, a coconut with two straws

Simple Ayurvedic Tips For Summer to Lower the B...

Beat the summer heat with simple, affordable natural remedies! From hydrating drinks and cooling foods to Ayurvedic secrets and refreshing baths, discover effective ways to stay cool. Curious about these...

Simple Ayurvedic Tips For Summer to Lower the B...

Beat the summer heat with simple, affordable natural remedies! From hydrating drinks and cooling foods to Ayurvedic secrets and refreshing baths, discover effective ways to stay cool. Curious about these...

Ayurvedic Tips For Summer

Most Effective & Simple Ayurvedic Practices for...

Discover how to beat the heat with juicy fruits, leafy greens, and hydration. Read more.

Most Effective & Simple Ayurvedic Practices for...

Discover how to beat the heat with juicy fruits, leafy greens, and hydration. Read more.